initial entry of islam to Aceh

here I will explain about the entry of Islam to Aceh from Hindu to Islam, hopefully this article can be useful for us all.with a very brief explanation we can know in detail.

During this time the theory that the kingdom of the oldest Islamic Aceh and the country that became the beginning of the spread of Islam is in perlak and ocean pasai, but according to research results Archaeological latest reveals that in the book "initial entry of Islam to Aceh" prove Islam earliest developed in Aceh is pande village, Banda Aceh.

It is based on the tombstones of ancient contained in perlak which depicts the 19th century AD, who said this kingdom began as the kingdom of Islam in the year 225 H (840M) with the first king by the name of Saiyid Maulana Abdul Aziz Shah, while in the ocean pasai , this kingdom emerged in century 13M, and achieve greatness in the 14th century AD, the kingdom of Islam ocean pasai has managed to become a work of civilized high, is caused by the location of its strategic location in the path of the Malacca strait as the busiest sea lanes that connecting the east with the west, the kingdom ocean pasai has fertile territory for agriculture and look up after a pepper plant that became komodikasi exports. Epitaph is the result of local production at the time of this work is called rock Aceh.

While in the village blacksmiths, Banda Aceh, Archaeological research proves that the location of the village blacksmiths above the ancient kingdom of the senses in thought as part of the country Lamuri, not only as the center of the city but also as the center of the kingdom.

 In historical records, the ancient kingdom of senses has appeared in Aceh around 2000 BC, the transitional status of the Hindu kingdom of ancient senses to Islam done at the inauguration ceremony of the royal assembly Darussalam to by Muslims on Friday in the month of Ramadan 601 H, the first king in the lift when it is Muerah Johan.

According to Edwards MC Edmut Kinnan, the origin of the English Archaeological claimed that the Islamic religion is already a form before 100 years before going into the ocean pasai, northern Aceh. It is strengthened with writing that is posted on one of the newspapers of France (1955) which says that Solomon was the ruler of the kingdom of Islam Lamreh (Lamuri) Aceh Besar vigor in the year 608 H (1211M). In connection with the village blacksmiths, Mckinno confirmed that it is a defense of government control of the kingdom that developed at that time.

The results of the study in 2006-2007, reported that in the village blacksmiths were found typical tombstone that looks kind of megalithic tradition describes the village blacksmiths, Nisan is estimated that the earliest gravestones in use before 9M century, it is also supported by the discovery of all kinds of tombstones acehnese in the entire archipelago, but many are also found in the village blacksmiths, it also indicates that the tombstones are scattered in the archipelago has similarities with tombstones village blacksmiths are tombstones that exist in Aceh were then known rock Aceh.

The conclusion of these three places (royal perlak century-9M, ocean pasai century-13M and village blacksmiths before before the century-9M,) it can be concluded that Islam first developed in Aceh, this is caused by their findings - findings tombstones and other evidence corroborating the fact that Islam originated in the village blacksmiths, Banda Aceh.

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