Definition of Culture
Definition of Culture
The word culture comes from the Sanskrit word Budh meaningful sense, then being said Budhi (single) or budhaya (plural), so that the culture is defined as the result of thought or human reason. Others have suggested that the culture is derived from the cultivation and power. Budi is a sense that a spiritual element in culture, whereas the mean power of any act or endeavor as physical elements so that the culture is defined as the result of reason and human endeavor.
Culture = cultuur (Dutch language) = culture (english) = Tsaqafah (Arabic), is derived from the Latin word "Colere" which means to cultivate, work, nourish and develop, especially tilling the soil or farming. In terms of this meaning develops the sense of culture as "all power and human activities to cultivate and transform nature".
In the disciplines of cultural anthropology, culture and the culture it mean the same thing (Koentjaraningrat, 1980: 195). But in IBD distinguish between culture and culture, as IBD talk about the world of ideas tau value, not the results of the physical. In a simple sense of culture and culture in IBD refers to the notion as follows:
Culture in the broadest sense, is the whole system of ideas, actions and man's work in the context of people's lives are used as human beings belong to learn.
Culture in a narrow sense may be called culture or commonly called a culture which implies a whole system of ideas and action. Culture or the so-called civilization, contains the broadest sense, encompassing understanding of the feelings of a nation that is complex, includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs (habits), and disposition of others obtained from members of the public
(Taylor, 1897: 19 ).
Culture consists of patterns, behave steady, thoughts, feelings and reactions obtained and mainly derived by the symbols that make up its achievements in isolation of human groups, including the embodiment of material things, the center of cultural essence consists of tradition ideals or ideologies, and especially attachment to values. The provisions of the cultural experts already are universal, can be accepted by public opinion though in practice, the meaning of culture in the opinion of the public is a valuable or good (Bakker, 1984: 21).
Ki Hajar Dewantara
Culture according to Ki Hajar Dewantara means the fruit of the human mind is the result of human struggle against two strong influence, namely the nature and age (nature and society) which is a testament to the triumph of human life to overcome various obstacles and hardships in life and livelihood in order to reach safety and happiness at birth is orderly and peaceful.
Saying that culture means the whole idea and work of the man who should make it a habit to learn as well as the overall results of attitude.
A.L. Kroeber and C.Kluckhohn (1952: 34)
In his book Culture, a critical review of concepts and definitions say that culture is a manifestation or incarnation of the soul of man working in the broadest sense.
Malinowski said that the culture is in principle based on the various systems of human needs. Each level it needs to present a distinctive cultural pattern. For example, in order to meet human needs for safety then the resulting culture in the form of protection, namely the set of cultures in some form, such as community organizations.
E.B Taylor (1873: 30)
In his book Primitive Culture Culture is a complex one entity or braid, which includes knowledge, belief, art, morality, law, customs and abilities-abilities acquired another person as a member of society. It can be deduced that the culture is the fruit of the human mind to attain the perfection of life. Results fruit cultivation (culture) that humans can be divided into 2 types:
Culture material (birth), the tangible material culture, for example: houses, buildings, tools, weapons, machinery, clothing and so on. Culture immaterial (spiritual = inner), namely: culture, customs, language, science and so on.
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