Just recently, the American National Council for Social Studies published the National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: A Framework for Teaching, Learning and Assessment. This seeks to update and revise the earlier curriculum published in 1994. Given the numerous events and changes not only in American history but in the whole world, it is but fitting to have updated the curriculum in order for children and young adults today to gain better, more accurate and more precise knowledge as a basis for their further learning. These updates form bulk of what do students learn in social studies class these days.
Social studies tackles a great number of topics that are surely of interest especially to young minds. It is no surprise that social studies are one of the school subjects that many kids feel comfortable and naturally interested in. Of course, with the help of the right approach and teaching tools from the instructor, social studies is indeed one of the most enjoyable subjects that kids can learn from in school.
General History would give kids an idea and appreciation of how the country came to be the way it is today, along with topics on Government and Politics. The basic information studied here includes who the United States presidents were, as well as what the major wars and battles of the nation were fought. Geography and Culture is another topic that is very exciting to illustrate. These are answers to the question what do students learn in social studies class.
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